Dear Polers

It’s spring and the beginning of a busy pole season ahead!

May we extend our gratitude to all of those who took part in Pole Unity 2014 at Barnyard Theatre in Rivonia on Saturday 30th August. The following Gauteng studios showed us their fabulous performance skills at yet another successful Pole Unity. Thanks to La Rouge, Sultry Studios, Dance Fitness Creations, The Pole Studio, BodyMind Randburg, Xtreme Pole Fitness, Aerial Fitness Revolution, Vertical Vixen and Dragon Spirit for a wonderful show.

This year we also had the pleasure of two very special guests from KMAD (professional dance company). Phume and Thato opened the show with an unforgettably beautiful Pas de Deux. If you get a chance, please check out all the Pole Unity videos on our Youtube channel, you will not be disappointed.

Phume and Thato also closed the show, forming part of The Pole Studio’s group performance. It was an honour for us to see the professional work of KMAD, since they are one of Pole Unity’s nominated charities and have been for the past three years.

Money that has been donated previously to KMAD from Pole Unity has all gone towards the KMAD Dance Outreach Programme in Mamelodi. Funding has been used to pay for underprivileged children to learn dance, be transported to dance classes and events, as well as to fund the children’s dance examinations. We are happy to hear that all the children passed their dance exams! We can really see that our donations are going to a great cause.

The Injabulo Community Centre will also receive donations from Pole Unity 2014. Injabulo offer exceptional support within their local community. Injabulo run an after school club looking after underprivileged school children, giving them a safe place to be, feeding them, as well as educating them in order to help them achieve more at school. The community centre also provides education for adults enabling them to matriculate and giving them the possibility of gaining meaningful employment.

Another service provided by Injabulo is their community support work for the elderly and frail. Formerly disadvantaged individuals are trained in the skills of community care work and are employed to travel within the community helping those in need.

Thank you to everyone who supported the SAPSF’s Pole Unity event this year, we managed to raise R28,000. Thanks to Nicole Da Silva, our helpers, our audience, our technical crew, raffle prize donators, the local studios and our amazing performers. We are looking forward to next year’s event already!

Pole Unity 2014 performer photos will be available from Live Love Laugh Photography. Please email for pricing.

SAPSF Pole Sports League events:
The next Gauteng SAPSF Pole Sports League is planned for 8th November 2014.

The SAPSF Pole Sports League took place for the first time in Durban over the weekend. It was hosted by Nouveau Dance & SAPSF. It was a great success and we look forward to the next event.

The first Cape Town Pole Sports League will take place on Sunday 2nd November 2014 at The Pole Project in Cape Town CBD. The Cape Town event will be a Pole Sports League with a ‘twist’ as the event will also include showcases from all the studios in Cape Town!

For each upcoming Pole Sports League the Compulsory Moves criteria has changed, for the better. Athletes are now required to perform fewer compulsory moves, from the same large selection of moves. One less move is required in the Bronze Division and three less moves are required in the Silver and Gold Divisions. These new requirements will allow for more creativity, but still ensure that athletes can be judged fairly and objectively on specific techniques.
To enter the Gauteng or Cape Town SAPSF Pole Sports League, please complete the form online at Here you will also find the full league requirements for entry and participation.

Move of the Month – Win a place at Alex Shchukin’s Workshop at Summer Pole Camp

In June this year we introduced a monthly photo competition on our Facebook page to promote the Compulsory Moves that are used in our competitive events – the National Pole Sports Competition & the Pole Sports League. Our video clips offer training tips for the moves and those that take part in posting their photos on our Facebook page stand a chance to win an SAPSF training vest.

So far we have had Janeiro June:

Jasmine July:

Ayesha August:

The SAPSF are now proudly introducing a brand new prize incentive! If you are the overall winner of September, October and November’s Move of the Month you will win a SAPSF sponsored place at Alex Shchukin’s workshop which is at Summer Pole Camp, taking place this December.

Check out September’s Move of the Month the Shouldermount. Send us your best shouldermount photo to stand a chance to win a workshop place worth R750. Only one person can win, so please only send a picture of a solo shouldermount!

Here are some training tips to help you perfect your Shouldermount.

National Pole Sports Competition 2015
11th April Atterbury Theatre, Pretoria
The SAPSF are still working hard to become SA’s only official Pole Sports Federation. We hope to be able to send our athletes to compete in the official World Pole Sports Competition (IPSF), and one day have Pole Sports in the Olympic Games. As soon as we are able to release our 2015 competition entry requirements and guidelines for the final competition will publish information on

Kind regards
SA Pole Sports Federation

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