It is with great pleasure that we can now announce the upcoming Pole Sports Provincial in South Africa.

You are officially invited to take part in this event designed for pole sports athletes of all levels.

The Pole Sports League, now the Pole Sport Provincial, was created to motivate pole athletes to continually improve their skills all year round. This relates directly with one of the main objectives of the SAPSF which is to raise the standards of pole sports within South Africa.

The Pole Sports Provincial is the first pole sports event in SA to integrate a comprehensive ‘Compulsory Moves Scorecard’ within the judging system. The judging system has been formatted to provide fair and equal grounds for each athlete taking part.

Pole sports athletes of all levels and ages will now have the chance to perform for a small, friendly and supportive audience. All athletes taking part in the League will be judged by IPSF certified judges. The judges will either be present at the event, or judge the routines by video after the event. Athletes will receive feedback on their performance, enabling them to develop their skills and to help them to prepare for larger scale competitions. All athletes will receive a medal and a certificate for their participation in Pole Sports Provincial events.

Bronze SAPSF Division all ages 6-40+

Amateur 1 & 2 (IPSF) 6-40+
Professional 15-40+
Elite 6-40+
R150 entry fee singles
R200 doubles

Entries and scorecards will be due on 29th September 2017.

Contact us for bookings and athlete documentation/preparation.

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