Here is a brief look at our Pole Sport events in 2018. Full details and how to enter each event will be on our website soon.www.polesports.org.za
3rd March 2018
Gauteng Pole Sport Provincial
Venue: Dragon Fitness, Pretoria
Entry forms (NOT video entry) and scorecards due 23 February 2018
(Both Pole Sports & Artistic Pole divisions)
5th/6th May 2018
National Pole Sports Competition & Artistic Pole (IPSF)
Venue: Japari School, Johannesburg
Enter by video entry by 4th March OR enter by participating in the Gauteng Pole Sport Provincials 3rd March 2018
TBC June 2018
KZN Pole Sport Provincial
Venue: TBC
Entry forms (NOT video entry) and scorecards due 18th May 2018
(Both Pole Sports & Artistic Pole divisions)
TBC October 2018
WC Pole Sport Provincial
Venue: Pole Dance Cape Town, CT
Entry forms (NOT video entry) and scorecards due by 28th September 2018
(Both Pole Sports & Artistic Pole divisions)